The Alangu Mastiff is a rare dog breed from Southern India, from the Thanjavur and Tiruchi districts. They are used as fighting dogs in Pakistan and are excellent guard dogs. [wikipedia]

This is a tall breed with a noble carriage and short coat. The dogs may be red, fawn or brindle, markings vary. The muzzle is black and the skin around their neck and mouth is loose. The brisket is deep, and the limbs are well muscled. The back is long with the tail tapering to a fine point. The ears are set high on the skull and pricked. It has a long and graceful stride. Their height varies between 73,6 to 76,2 cm. (29-30 inches).

The Persian Army used Indian mastiffs, but just for guarding and were introduced into Greece by Xerxes the First when he marched towards this country in 486-465 B.C.